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The Hidden Costs of Homeownership

Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Purchasing a home is a major financial undertaking, and it could be the largest asset you ever own. Apart from the property’s market value, there are several hidden expenses to consider, which may appear after the purchase. These expenses could have a detrimental effect on your budget if disregarded. Moreover, these costs differ based on the house’s location and your payment method, and this is why it’s crucial to be aware of these hidden charges before sealing the deal.

Here are the most common:

1. Inspection Costs

One of the first expenses you will encounter when purchasing a new house are the inspection fees. These costs are separate from the actual selling price and can add up quickly. In addition to a general inspection, you may need to arrange for multiple professional inspections to detect any potential problems such as tap or sewer leakages, termite infestations, or other issues. These inspections may also reveal necessary maintenance costs that you should budget for or reconsider your purchase altogether. It’s worth noting that the house seller has an obligation to inform you if a previous potential buyer has already conducted a home inspection. If this is the case, you may only need to pay a nominal fee for the inspection report.

2. Closing Costs

Before you make the final decision to purchase a new house, it’s important to factor in the closing costs which can range from 2% to 5% of the total purchase price. These costs include lender fees, administrative fees, appraisal costs, attorney fees, filing fees, and more. These expenses can add up quickly and significantly impact the overall costs of your home. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider these costs beforehand to avoid any surprises and budget accordingly.

3. Property Taxes and Home Insurance

Aside from the mortgage payments, taxes and insurance fees can also add a significant amount to your budget. Depending on your location, different types of taxes may apply, costing around $2000 annually. To deal with these expenses, you can opt for an escrow or impound account where your lender takes care of the taxes and insurance. However, it’s important to prepare for these additional payments as they need to be factored into your budget during the transfer of title. The good news is that property tax and mortgage interest can be deducted from your taxable income, potentially reducing your income tax burden.

4. Maintenance & Repairs

As a homeowner, you won’t have the luxury of calling a landlord to fix any issues with your heating, air conditioning, or plumbing. Instead, you’ll be responsible for all repairs and maintenance, which can quickly add up to a substantial expense. It’s essential to be mindful of these potential costs and budget accordingly to avoid any financial surprises.

5. Increased Utility Bills

Owning a house means taking on the responsibility of paying for every utility bill, from trash pickup to water supply. This can result in significantly higher energy consumption compared to a rented apartment. To lessen the financial burden, consider calculating your home energy expenses using the Home Energy Rating System Index. You can even hire an auditor to inspect and provide recommendations on how to use energy efficiently. While this may come at an additional cost, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. Alternatively, you can conduct an inspection yourself, focusing on areas such as insulation, pipes, and ceilings. Additionally, replacing old and outdated appliances and systems may prove to be a cheaper long-term solution.

While purchasing a house can be a smart financial move, it’s important to approach it with a well-thought-out plan. Don’t rush into a decision without considering the hidden expenses that come with homeownership. Take the time to budget for potential repair costs, utility bills, taxes, insurance, and closing fees before making a final decision. Being prepared will help you avoid any financial surprises and ensure a smooth transition into your new home.

If you’re ready to start owning your own home, pre-qualify with us today