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Recognizing Employees Who Go Above and Beyond at Northeast CU

Portsmouth, New Hampshire

At Northeast Credit Union, our employees define what makes us special. We love to celebrate our team members who consistently go above and beyond by leading from their seats, empowering excellence, being a force for good, and delivering service that is experience driven and people focused.

Kristen Simpson, our Member Care Team Manager I, is the recipient of this quarter’s North Star Award! We spoke with Kristen to get an inside look at what is rewarding about her role and how she continuously strives to go above and beyond for her team at Northeast Credit Union.

Meet Kristen Simpson

Favorite Part of the Job:
There is so much that I enjoy about my job that it would be hard to say just one thing. I really enjoy that I get the opportunity each day to work both internally with colleagues and externally with members. Seeing my team reach their goals and celebrating their success is an incredible feeling. Another rewarding part of my job is helping our members reach their financial goals.

Advice to Younger Self:
I would tell my younger self to never let your fears hold you back. 

First Job:
My very first job was scooping ice cream at a local ice cream shop! 

Favorite Nonprofit to Support:
The two nonprofits that I love to support are Make-A-Wish and the York County Shelter Programs.

Life Outside Northeast CU:
My favorite thing to do outside of work is spending time with family, friends, and my sweet puppy Ellie!