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Q&A With Women From Northeast CU

Northeast Credit Union

March 8th is International Women’s Day, a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The financial industry today, is still a male-dominated space, but there have been many strides made to close that gap. At Northeast Credit Union, we’re very lucky to have many unbelievably talented and intelligent women working at this organization. To honor International Women’s Day, we interviewed some of the women leading from their seats here at Northeast CU to hear their great advice and discover what inspires them and makes them who they are today.

What advice would you give your younger self?

If I could give my younger self advice, it would be to choose the people I give my time to carefully.” – Rachel Hayden, Administrative Assistant

Be fearless and be yourself.” – Kelly Sica, Assistant Vice President of Deposit Processing

Find ways to live in the moment, cherish the little things, take time to be one with nature.” – Allison Kasprzak, Member Experience Specialist III

Lean in, speak out, have a voice in your organization, and never use the word, ‘sorry’.” – Kat Schaefer, VoC Analyst

Be confident in who you are. You, and only you, know your full potential. Don’t let anyone dim your light on your dreams. Anyone who dims your light, rather than ignite it, is not worthy of your time.” – Kate Shabram, Executive Administrative Assistant

Invest in the right relationships and skip the ones that feel superficial. You won’t end up where you think you will, and you will still be amazing.” – Marilyn Mims, Leadership Development Program Manager

Listen to your gut, no matter how hard it is. Your gut is usually right.” – Abby Manter, Risk Management & Compliance Supervisor

It’s okay to make mistakes, but turn them into a learning opportunity. This will help you grow personally and professionally. Now unclench your jaw, don’t be so hard on yourself and keep going!” – Janessa Terry, Digital Communications Specialist

Find a good mentor and don’t compare your success to anyone else’s” – Jaime Marcotte, Internal Communication Specialist

You are going to fail A LOT but, those failures will pay off.” – Caitlin Thivierge, Internal Control Specialist

You can’t please everyone, so do what you believe in your heart is right because that’s what is best for you.” – Jess Dugas, Digital Marketing Manager

What advice would you give a young woman looking to become a leader or join the financial industry?

My advice to a young woman looking to join the financial industry is to not be overwhelmed by the world of financial institutions. You do not need to be an expert today, take your time and everything will make sense in time.” – Caitlin Thivierge, Internal Control Specialist

You must be responsible for your own learning and cannot assume others will provide it to you.” – Marilyn Mims, Leadership Development Program Manager

Don’t be afraid to try something new and apply for a job in an industry you know nothing about! Put yourself out there for opportunities to succeed, almost everything in business can be taught.” – Kat Schaefer, VoC Analyst

Find your passion, invest in yourself, learn as much as you can.” – Allison Kasprzak, Member Experience Specialist III

Be brave, put your whole heart into your goals and most importantly believe in yourself. Honesty and transparency are the keys to building long lasting relationships that will support your team, peers, and organization.” – Kelly Sica, Assistant Vice President of Deposit Processing

I would say be curious of what is happening around you, be an active listener, be there for your team, and don’t hesitate to question things when something doesn’t seem to make sense.” – Rachel Hayden, Administrative Assistant

A career in the financial industry is all about learning. Be open to feedback, celebrate successes and don’t be hard on yourself if you stumble.” – Jaime Marcotte, Internal Communication Specialist

Self-doubt will only hold you back. Push any doubts aside and persevere forward.” – Jess Dugas, Digital Marketing Manager

Jump in. Even if you don’t think you know every little thing, even if you think you may fail. You won’t know what you can do, until you try.” – Abby Manter, Risk Management & Compliance Supervisor

What is one important lesson you’ve learned in your career or life?

Failure isn’t a bad thing. I believe we all must fail in some capacity to grow and achieve our dreams. I’ve learned some of my biggest career and life lessons after experiencing failure. Lessons that have, in turn, made me a better worker, partner, mother, friend, and person.” – Kate Shabram, Executive Administrative Assistant

There is no balance, just priorities. Prioritize your health (mental and physical).” – Kat Schaefer, VoC Analyst

Take the time to discover what truly makes you happy. Learn what you value and know your strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes you may feel pressure to follow a certain path at certain times in your life, but when all is said and done, this is your journey so be sure that path leads you to joy.” – Laura Eschmann, Senior Graphic Designer

It’s ok to fail, it’s important to dream, setting goals is crucial to getting where you want to be.” – Allison Kasprzak, Member Experience Specialist III

Stay resourceful and you’ll always find success.” – Jess Dugas, Digital Marketing Manager

Empathy, if nothing else having empathy and compassion for others is vital to building and developing relationships with others.” – Kelly Sica, Assistant Vice President of Deposit Processing

Surround yourself with people who empower you to do better. Your circle doesn’t have to be big or small, but surrounding yourself with positivity makes all the difference in the world.” – Janessa Terry, Digital Communications Specialist

One important lesson I have learned in my life is that you do not have to be defined by a previous version of yourself!” – Rachel Hayden, Administrative Assistant

Find a work situation where you are valued for who you are and how you think. Not everyone will see your value. Just make sure you see your value and don’t be afraid to start over on a new adventure (or career)” – Marilyn Mims, Leadership Development Program Manager

Learn to listen. Not to formulate a response, but to hear what others are really saying.” – Abby Manter, Risk Management & Compliance Supervisor

Always ask why (even if it makes you uncomfortable).” – Caitlin Thivierge, Internal Control Specialist

It’s OK to be yourself. Have empathy, be kind, and ask questions.” – Jaime Marcotte, Internal Communication Specialist

Who is a woman who has inspired you to get to where you are in your career and how?

One of my first bosses & also a friend. She took me under her wing & showed me how to be organized, how to believe in myself. How to use my resources. How to be personal & tactful. How to be compassionate & empathetic. She helped me build my goal staircase if you will. She was integral in helping me get into the financial industry & leading me to work for a credit union.” – Allison Kasprzak, Member Experience Specialist III

I did not have many female role models prior to coming to NECU. I remember when I started here in loan operations, I was captivated by our VP of Lending Sue Ladd. After one conversation with her I knew I wanted to be her or woman of her level. When I took the leap to apply for the ICS role in Risk Management, she told me to make sure I take all opportunities to learn and give this new role a real shot. That conversation has stuck with me every day since I was promoted to Risk.” – Caitlin Thivierge, Internal Control Specialist

There have been so many wonderful women who have come in and out of my professional career and personal life, regardless of their title or what industry they’ve worked in, I’ve always observed and then incorporated their best attributes into who I am as a leader today.” – Kelly Sica, Assistant Vice President of Deposit Processing

Judy Morin (Supervisory Committee) inspired me to try new things, do work I am passionate about and never give up.” – Jaime Marcotte, Internal Communication Specialist

My mother has always inspired me to work hard and to care about the work I do. She instilled a very important work ethic in me that has helped me to get where I am today. She is also one of the kindest and silliest people I have ever met.” – Rachel Hayden, Administrative Assistant

What is a mantra, or quote you live by?

You aren’t growing, if you aren’t uncomfortable.” – Caitlin Thivierge, Internal Control Specialist

Celebrate success. It’s too easy to be down on yourself when you make mistakes. Remember your triumphs.” – Jaime Marcotte, Internal Communication Specialist

You don’t know until you try.” – Abby Manter, Risk Management & Compliance Supervisor

What is it artists do? They do two things. First, they admit they can’t straighten out the whole universe. And then second, they make at least one little part of it exactly as it should be.” – Kurt Vonnegut – A favorite quote from Marilyn Mims, Leadership Development Program Manager

Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” – Maya Angelou – A favorite quote from Kate Shabram, Executive Administrative Assistant

Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine. You get what you give. In the waves of change we find our true direction.” – Allison Kasprzak, Member Experience Specialist III

What you think, your become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine you create”. – Buddha – A favorite quote from Kelly Sica, Assistant Vice President of Deposit Processing

I will not let my fears create my reality.” – Rachel Hayden, Administrative Assistant

The only person you should try to be better than is who you were yesterday.” – Unknown – A favorite quote from Jess Dugas, Digital Marketing Manager