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Mercedes Helps Her Students During a Challenging Year

Northeast Credit Union

Teaching Pre-K is no easy task, so you can imagine the difficulty that can be added when you’re required to teach this level remotely.  Mercedes Fippinger, a Prekindergarten teacher at Treehouse School of Portsmouth, didn’t let this new way of teaching stop her.

During the state’s stay-at-home order, Mercedes delivered bags weekly to all of her students and would lead virtual classes, using the bags to conduct remote activities, just like they would do at school.

With what’s going on in the world, Mercedes also took the time to collect books with lessons about equality and race for her classroom as she understands how exposure is how acceptance is born. As she says, “I want my kids to learn that we’re all unique in our own way, and that we should embrace differences and be accepting of others”.

Mercedes time and dedication to her students is why she was chosen as one of our 2020 Teachers Who Wow.