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  • Inspiration

Jill Supports Her Students and Coworkers

Northeast Credit Union

As many teachers can agree, their work is not done when their students leave the classroom. That is especially true for Jill Fredrickson. Jill is a third grade teacher at Woodman Park School in Dover, NH. Prior to teaching third grade, Jill was a kindergarten teacher for ten years. With such young students, Jill does all she can to ensure that learning remains exciting and fun, often dedicating her time at home to classroom preparation. In addition to helping students, Jill also never hesitates to lend a helping hand to her coworkers as well as college interns who shadow her in the classroom. Outside of school, Jill enjoys participating in various community events and fundraisers, often in support of her current and former students. She does so not because she has to, but because she wants to. While her time to herself is limited, Jill’s passion for her career is not.

Because of her love of teaching, Jill was chosen as a winner of Northeast Credit Union’s Teachers That Wow contest. We love her passion and dedication to her students!